We’ve all been there—the long-anticipated event has come and gone. Whether it was a wedding, a birthday celebration, or a holiday gathering, you spent weeks or even months planning, hyping it up in your mind, and now… it’s over.

What follows is often an unexpected wave of sadness or emptiness—a feeling that is termed as post-holiday syndrome or sometimes for artists or performers, they might feel post-performance depression.
This emotional dip is super common—you’ve probably experienced it yourself. After the rush of excitement and all that anticipation, your body naturally goes through a bit of a chemical comedown. Those feel-good hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins that were peaking during the event take a sudden dip, leaving you feeling a bit flat. It’s not just in your head; it’s a real biological response.
Rumination plays a role in post-event blues, especially when focused on negative self-evaluation, and has been shown to intensify feelings of regret and dissatisfaction after major events (Chen, Rapee, & Abbott, 2012).
After the event, you may find yourself reflecting on every moment—wondering what went wrong, what could have been better, or what you could have done differently. This kind of self-reflection is natural, but it can also fuel negative emotions. It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of “what-ifs,” which prevents you from fully appreciating the event and the positive aspects of it.
We are social beings, and our need for connection and meaning is something we all can relate to. Celebrations bring people together and create a sense of shared joy. When that experience ends, it can trigger feelings of loneliness or disconnection, even if you were surrounded by loved ones the day before.
So, How Do We Cope With it?
Here are a few ways to reset and move forward:
Acknowledge the Feelings It’s okay to feel sad, disappointed, or even empty after an event. These emotions are a normal part of coming back to reality. Give yourself time to process them without judgment.
Focus on the Positive Takeaways What did you enjoy? Did you reconnect with an old friend or create a memory you’ll cherish? Write it down or reflect on it. Shifting your focus to the good moments can help balance the narrative.
Reflect Realistically Few events are without flaws. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, recognize that imperfection is part of life. It doesn’t diminish the experience—it makes it more human.
Plan the Next Adventure One of the best ways to shake off the blues is to start looking ahead. It doesn’t have to be a grand event. It could be something as simple as a coffee date with a friend or taking a class that interests you. Having something to look forward to can reignite that sense of anticipation.
Connect With Others If the blues feel overwhelming, reach out to someone you trust. Sometimes, sharing your feelings helps put them in perspective.
Post-event blues are a natural response to emotional highs. Understanding the psychological and physiological roots can help normalize the experience. Instead of seeing it as a sign that something went wrong, embrace it as part of life’s rhythm. After all, it’s the quieter moments that allow us to recharge and prepare for the next celebration.

反思在活动后抑郁中起到了重要作用,尤其是当你专注于负面的自我评价时,会加剧遗憾和不满的情绪 (Chen, Rapee, & Abbott, 2012)。在活动结束后,你可能会回想每一个细节——思考哪里出错了、什么地方可以做得更好、或者自己可以采取不同的做法。这种自我反思是正常的,但也可能加剧负面情绪。陷入“如果当时……”的循环很容易让你忽视活动中的美好部分。

承认自己的感受: 感到难过、失望甚至空虚是正常的,这些情绪是回归现实的一部分。给自己一些时间去接受这些情绪,不要过于苛责自己。
专注于积极的回忆: 你享受了什么?是否和老朋友重聚或创造了值得珍藏的回忆?把它们写下来或仔细回想。关注美好的瞬间有助于平衡情绪。
客观看待反思: 很少有活动是完美无缺的。与其纠结于哪里出了问题,不如认识到不完美也是生活的一部分。这不仅不会减损你的体验,反而让它更有人情味。
规划下一个小目标: 克服情绪低落的最好方法之一就是向前看。下一个目标不一定是大型活动,可以是简单的与朋友约个咖啡,或者报名感兴趣的课程。有所期待会重新点燃你的热情。
与他人联系: 如果情绪低落难以摆脱,向信任的人倾诉。有时候,分享感受能帮助你更好地理解它们。